When rottweiler moves, he displays strength and stamina, but when you look into his eyes you see warm, dark-brown pools reflecting a mellow, intelligent, alert, and fearless expression.
Here is 7 Rules Rottweiler Have For You
1 – The Rottweiler Is Not Allowed To Stay In The House
2- Hmm No Problem , The Rottweiler is allowed to stay in the house but only in one room
3- Hmm, ok The Rottweiler is allowed to stay in all rooms, but is not allowed to sleep on our bed
4- ok ok , the Rottweiler is allowed to sleep on the bed , but not all the time.
5- Fine , he can stay in all rooms and sleep on the bed all the time whenever he wants , but not under the bed cover
6- no problem he can sleep under the bed cover every night.