Rottweiler Dog Breed Information

The Rottweiler falls under the traditional working breed dogs. They were originally bred as draught dogs, driving cattle or delivering meat to the market. This fearsome working breed is still referred to as the Rottweiler Metzgerhund in parts of its native country, Germany. The name means butcher’s dog as in the past rottweilers used to work for the butchers, pulling their carts and so on.

Bred to work, this breed also has an instinct to guard. They have worked for ages as family guards. Rottweilers remain happiest when they are doing their natural job or are at least in the environment where their abilities do not go to waste.

Even though this remains the truth about rottweilers, they can also make for great pets. However, ownership of this breed is a tricky affair. Rottweilers are intense and robust. To the inexperienced caretaker, the Rottweiler may seem like a task.

Ownership of any working dog is a serious undertaking. It requires a long-term commitment while bearing in mind that different breeds have different requirements. While choosing your pet, it is essential to take into consideration their life span, needs, temperament, origin, natural characteristics, and so on. It’s also imperative that you choose one to suit your conditions.

A Rottweiler Needs Your Care And Attention

A Rottweiler is nothing different. This breed is courageous and fiercely loyal. As opposed to what the general opinion regarding rottweilers goes, they can be gentle pets as well. They just need experienced care, consistent love and effort, and optimum training. If you’re an experienced owner and have considerable time to devote to their training, a Rott can be the best companion one can find.


This canine breed is not the first choice for dog owners. They are widely misinterpreted as aggressive and hostile. With a dearth of information on rottweilers on the internet, this behavior of rottweilers is taken to be the truth. However, nothing can be farther than the truth. Rottweilers have an instinct to hunt, guard, and rescue. They are vigilant and attentive. However, they take time to accept newcomers in their life. Rottweilers sometimes tend to get antagonistic towards intruders. Their natural characteristics are falsely misrepresented as the truth of this breed. However, their loyalty and warmth to their owners is a detail people tend to miss out on. A well-bred Rottie can be your friend for life!

rottweiler puppy

Rottweiler puppies are easy to train. They are relatively silent, barking only when provoked. They have plenty of exercise requirements. However, they need their space. If you’re a new Rottweiler parent, then we’d recommend you to give your Rottweiler puppy a big and spacious crate to live in. You can also allot a large fenced area for your puppy to relax or rest in. They are not particularly a cuddly breed. So giving them their space is the best thing to do. Apart from this, rottweilers should be brushed regularly. So get ready with a bristle brush, hound glove, and comb because they are going to love it.

Read on to know more interesting facts about Rottweiler breed standard.

Vital Stats

Dog Breed Group: Working Dogs

Height: 22 – 27 inches (Shoulder height)

Weight: 85 – 130 pounds

Life Span: 8 – 11 years

Rottweiler Characteristics:

Rottweiler Characteristics
Rottweiler Characteristics


Rottweilers are traditionally used to more open spaces so they find it difficult to manage in small apartment buildings. This dog breed choice is not recommended for novice owners because they are in constant need of experienced care and attention. They are a highly sensitive breed even though their fierce exterior tells you otherwise. They hate being or living alone. Companionship is crucial for them. It’s always mutual in case of a Rottweiler. If you provide love and attention to your Rottie pup, they’ll generously return the same with a bonus of loyalty and warmth. They prefer temperate climates and are averse to extreme hot or cold weather.


This section is the most misrepresented in the case of Rottweilers. As a breed, they take more time to include new members. But once you’re in, you’re in for a lovely ride. Rottweilers are extremely affectionate with their family members. If you’re a Rottweiler parent, be sure to feel all their love and warmth. They are a protective breed. If there’s a child in the family, it’s even more recommended for you to get a Rottweiler puppy because they will protect and guard you with their life. Rottweilers are intense and sincere. They consider you their own. Rottweilers are said to be descendants of the German Shepherd which is another such breed. Like German Shepherds , they are kid-friendly and fiercely protective of their own family. With the correct amount of training, Rottweilers can also learn to be friendly towards strangers. They may take more time to accept them, but they’ll surely not attack you at first sight as most of the misrepresentations regarding this breed go.

Rottweiler Health and Grooming Requirements

Rottweiler Health and Grooming
Rottweiler Health and Grooming

Rottweilers don’t have too many needs in this field. They are comparatively easier to groom. They have very short hair, but they are prone to a lot of shedding. One thing that you need to worry about if you’re a Rotty parent is their potential to gain weight. Rottweilers can easily gain a lot of weight , and this causes problems in their general health. For this, they need average exercises daily. You also need to keep a check on their diet as gaining weight doesn’t bear well on a Rottweiler . Rottweilers are average-sized, and a daily run often keeps them healthy, both physically and psychologically. Belonging traditionally to the dog breed, rottweilers enjoy an active life. Being cooped up inside a house is generally not their forte. It is often recommended to take your Rottweiler puppy out for a walk or a run. It will give them a healthy boost.


Rottweilers are not difficult to train . They are super-intelligent beings with a knack for hunting and traveling. They are vigilant and being natural guard dogs , they have heightened senses and often use it for the best of purposes. They pick up very quickly on what you’re trying to teach and remember it for a long time. Compared to other breeds, they are less mouthy than others. However, as pups, they enjoy it just like any other. They have a higher prey drive. Being guard dogs , when they’re on duty, they tend to bark or growl more to keep everyone alert. However, when not in provoking ambiance, Rottweilers mostly stay quiet.

Physical Needs

Rottweilers are playful dogs. They like it more when they are active or doing a job. They have very high energy levels, and therefore, they need a regular exercise schedule to match their energy level. This is where an inexperienced owner may find it difficult. Rottweilers need space and time. They need devoted parents who’ll walk the extra mile to take care of their needs. Rottweiler puppies can’t grow up with love and care alone. They need to keep themselves fit to stay healthy and mentally fit. Being super sensitive dogs, they tend to get lonely or depressed. They need to be active physically to keep their spirits up. You can set up a particular time for their daily exercises, and you’ll notice how they follow the schedule on their own. This working dog breed is not the one to get lazy!

More About This Rottweilers

rottweiler healthRottweilers are like the Hercules of the guard dog world. They are strong and intense with an affectionate heart. They might have a fierce exterior, but inside they are soft and warm and in need of constant love and attention.

This breed originated in Germany, where they were butchers’ cart drivers or draught dogs. Their well-muscled body and their broad chest are signs which show they are capable of heavy work and are descendants of working dogs themselves.

A rottweiler is like an embodiment of strength and stamina. But even though that is true for its external appearance, Rottweilers are mellow creatures inside. They have dark brown eyes that reflect warmth and intelligence in every glance.

However, do not mistake this for timidity. Rottweilers are never afraid or timid. They are calm and extremely confident creatures. They are not in the habit of trusting others too soon, so they take their time. They almost always have a “wait-and-see” look in their eyes and body posture. A well-bred Rottweiler knows how to channel its protective instinct and suspicious nature in good ways. Otherwise, they may turn out to be bullies or even dangerous, when in contact with new situations or people. This is a fine balance that needs to be maintained with proper training and love since pup age.

During the First World War, the Rottweiler proved itself to be an intelligent police dog and guard dog. They were also originally taken as guard dogs for Roman soldiers. With their attentive nature and protective instinct, there’s no doubt, Rottweilers were used in military, police, or other defense work. When kept in the family they become intense friends and guardian angels for the family.

A Prestigious History Behind Rottweilers

Rottweiler history
Rottweiler History

The Rottweiler is one of the oldest of herding breeds. the Roman drover dog were continually used in herding and driving cattle for trade even after the Romans were driven out of the area by the Swabians. The dog breed was subsequently named after Rottweil, a town in the region.

Rottweilers have well-built bodies and strong exteriors. Combined with the natural characteristics, they make for great protective guardians. However, this dog breed tends to get ferocious in its instinct to protect. This is often interpreted wrongly as aggressiveness or hostility. However, this is a balance that comes from proper training. It is imperative to provide early socialization for a rottweiler puppy . They need to be around people and other dogs to get to know them. The more they socialize, the friendlier and accepting they become when they grow up. Their protective instinct gets regulated, and they become more trusting of others. It’s not recommended to raise a rottweiler puppy in a lonely environment. When they are active, with regular exercises to keep them fit and a habit of socializing with others, they become the best of pets.

As a rottweiler parent, you must learn to train your Rottweiler puppy using methods other than showing anger or physical force. If you don’t want your training to become a disaster, handle your rottweiler puppy with more care and love than instigating it with negative reinforcements. Remember to be firm and consistent, but with respect. The aim is to show your large dog that you are the leader that he can respect and trust. If you’re forcing him to follow or resorting to physical punishments, then you’ll be pushing him to take the lead. He will adopt the top dog role by himself and avoid anything you teach. A dog of a Rottweiler‘s caliber can easily perform well as a leader. However, this way the training will remain incomplete, and your rottweiler puppy might turn out to be a big bully when he grows up. On the other hand, if you provide respectable leadership he’ll follow in your lead and become a loyal and faithful pet that you can cherish for a long time.

Rottweilers are intelligent beings. So it depends on how you train them for them to realize who are the bad guys and who are the good ones. Otherwise, they just fall prey to their instincts and try to protect you from anyone he encounters.

Even though the aggressive nature of Rottweilers is advertised as a negative quality for which they are to be avoided, this nature is also not what it sounds like. Rottweilers are protective beings. If you’re the family he’s got, he’ll protect you at any cost.

Being a rottweiler owner comes with several responsibilities. Apart from proper training and care , you also have to fight social stigma against the breed and raise your voice against those that pre-judge the breed. A rottweiler turned bad is not the folly of the dog itself. If you are to pet a rottweiler, you can’t just leave him/her alone in the backyard. It’ll be your responsibility to deal with it in its formative years so that it doesn’t turn ferocious because of a lack of proper care, attention, and training.

This is not to say rottweilers are inherently aggressive. They are also playful, gentle, and loving beings who deserve respect and attention.

By doing our part we can redeem the reputation of this breed, which has been falsely tainted for so long.


  • Rottweilers are a large breed with a powerful exterior.
  • They require proper training since they are pups.
  • There’s a lot of negative criticism regarding this breed, however, if you’re a careful trainer with an optimum amount of love and attention, you might just become the happiest dog owner, much contrary to public opinion regarding the breed.
  • Rottweilers are affectionate towards families and kids. They are perfect as companion guards because of their vigilant nature.
  • Rottweilers however need to be taught how to get along with children. They do not have a nanny nature like a Saint Bernard breed. They tend to bump kids as a part of their playful nature. However, this bump may cause injury to toddlers or hurt them because of the rottweiler‘s size. It’s all done in mirth, but it may cause discomfort to the child. Therefore it’s best to train them on appropriate behavior around children.
  • Rottweilers are intelligent creatures who often test you. If you give them a task or ask them to do anything, be sure to mean it. They will be able to track down if there’s a loophole.
  • A 20-minute walk or playtime daily with a rottweiler keeps them in good health.
  • If you’re thinking of adopting a Rottweiler, then this might be useful information to you – many of them snore!
  • Be sure to keep a check on their diet. This is imperative, as you don’t want your buddy to get overweight. It may cause health issues in a rottweiler.
  • Another recommendation would be never to buy a Rottweiler puppy from a pet store or a puppy mill. You never know who has been an irresponsible breeder. Be sure to get your canine buddy from a responsible breeder and check if they do not possess any genetic illness or temperamental issues passed on to them by their parents.

Rottweiler History

Rottweiler history
Rottweiler History

Rottweiler is a descendant of the Molossus, a Tibetian Mastiff type of dog. This breed has walked beside Roman soldiers and helped sustain them with food. This working breed has been alongside military men as they conquered the world. So the breed is not without history and pride.

The history dates back to the time when Roman settlers came to South Germany and set colonies there. The climate and the soil of the area were particularly favorable for the settlers. The overall condition was favorable for agriculture. The Romans built red-tiled villas in the region during their rule. Almost 6 centuries later, the Roman baths and the ancient sites were excavated. The red-tiled villas became the inspiration for the name “das Rote Wil” which can be translated as the red tile.

The breed of dogs that originated from this part of Germany carried the name Rottweiler . These descendants of the Molossus became the butcher’s dogs, carrying the meat and cattle to the markets.

However, the breed gradually became almost extinct with the replacement of the cart driver dogs with the rail transport facility. It was not until a dog show in the year 1882 in Heilbronn, Germany that the breed was again seen. In the dog show, the non-descript dog was exhibited. The breed, however, had undergone several changes in appearance by that time. The dog breed was standardized and written in 1901 when the Rottweiler and Leonberger Club was founded.

From then on, Rottweilers have been used in police and military work. The breed‘s demeanor was well suited to this job. Many clubs were opened thereafter to breed Rottweilers. One of the most eminent ones among these clubs was the Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler Klub (ADRK), 1921. This club promoted healthy breeding programs for Rottweilers. The motto of this club is to preserve the working potential of the original Rottweilers.

The first rottweiler ever to be registered in the US was Stina v Felsenmeer in 1931 with the American Kennel Club. It was among a litter of rottweilers that was carried into the country by a German immigrant traveling to the US in the 1920s.

Following this, the breed became very popular. However, when you’re a dog it’s not great to be popular. The breed suffered from irresponsible breeding for cash. Many puppy mills and breeders bred this popular breed for a lot of money. They were completely disregarding their health and temperament. This gradually led to a lot of ill-bred rottweilers, which is mostly responsible for all the negative publicity this breed suffers from. Much of the negative portrayal of the breed started around this time when breeders and owners didn’t care enough regarding its physical needs, health, or temperament issues.

However, reputable breeders are now taking up the challenge of breeding rottweilers with optimum care and training. This is the only remaining way to get rid of the negative portrayal of the breed and make sure rottweilers are appreciated enough for the beautiful creature they.


The typical size of a male rottweiler ranges between 24 – 27 inches tall (shoulder length) weighing around 95 – 130 pounds. The female variant is around 22 – 26 inches tall (shoulder length) weighing around 85 – 115 pounds. If the weight surpasses this range massively, then health concerns might develop because of overeating or other issues.

Rottweiler Personality

Rottweiler Personality
Rottweiler Personality

To the inexperienced eye, a rottweiler might seem aloof and shy. However, a rottweiler is anything but shy, if trained and bred properly. This breed is extremely confident. Their confidence is clear in their look and attitude. They are not arrogant creatures. It’s not very often that the rottweiler makes friends. The “wait and see” attitude of a rottweiler is for it to wait until it is sure of the newcomer’s personality and intentions. But after it has welcomed you, it can be a very loving soul.

With the family and kids, this dog is playful and jolly, following the members of the house around. However, when there’s a newcomer, its instinct to protect its family becomes alert. Rottweilers are not overall excitable dogs. They have a calm and quiet demeanor of a dog who’s always on the watch. You can relax about security when you have a rottweiler in your house as a pet. They have a talent for guarding and supervising.

Tidbits on which rottweiler to choose will include: never go for the puppy that’s beating up the others or the one who’s hiding somewhere in the corner. The best is to go for the middle-road pup. Before going for the buy, remember to meet its parents. How the Rottie pup is with its siblings reveals important personality traits of the pup.

Since Rottweilers have reported issues related to temperament and socialization with others, it’s highly essential to habituate your dog with newcomers, different places, and experiences. Early socialization of the rottweiler puppy with strangers, neighbors, newcomers will expand its horizons and accepting nature. It will grow up to become more inclusive and playful. This is also important to make sure your pup doesn’t grow up to be arrogant. Socialization with other dogs and environments will keep him necessarily grounded, and also improve his social skills.

Rottweiler Health

Rottweiler Health
Rottweiler Health

If you’re thinking of adopting this breed for your own, it’s important to keep a track of all the health conditions that a Rottweiler is prone to. This is not to say that all rottweilers suffer from these diseases, but it’s good to keep a tab. While buying a Rottweiler puppy , remember to find yourself a good breeder. Also, get a health clearance card to prove that the pup you’ve chosen doesn’t have a prior condition.

  • Hip Dysplasia : This is a condition that Rottweilers can inherit. If a dog is suffering from this, it may exhibit lameness or suffer from pain on its rear legs. This condition occurs when the thigh bone doesn’t fit into the hip joint. It is hereditary but worsens with age and high-calorie diet.
  • Elbow Dysplasia : It is a similar hereditary misplacement of the joint bones near the elbow. It causes pain and discomfort in the dog. The severity of the disease varies. An X-Ray can determine the severity. This is treatable with surgery or pain-relief medication.
  • Aortic Stenosis or Subaortic Stenosis : This is a common heart problem that is also seen in this breed. This heart condition causes fainting and is even fatal in severe cases. It is recommended to go to a veterinary cardiologist for treatment.
  • Bloat/ Torsion (Gastric Dilatation-volvulus) : This is a serious condition that seems to affect broad-chested dogs. If your dog is in the habit of eating a large meal a day, then drinking water vigorously and immediately going for heavy exercise, then it’s susceptible to this illness. Older dogs are more prone to this disease. If your rottweiler is throwing up, excessively salivating, or is bloated up, then contact a vet immediately.
  • Panosteitis : Commonly referred to as “growing pains” as this condition is common to puppies in their formative months. It is not a serious condition, and often, rest or sleep relieves the body of such pains.
  • Osteosarcoma : This is a type of bone cancer. It is a serious condition where the dog might have to get its leg amputated or treated with chemotherapy. However, the disease is fatal, and they only live until two years after being treated.
  • Hypothyroidism : This may cause infertility, mental dullness, lethargy, or obesity in the dog. It’s a condition caused by the lack of a thyroid hormone. It can be effectively treated with proper medication, which will continue throughout the dog‘s lifetime.
  • Allergies : This is common in most dogs. It may be caused by eating something that the dog is allergic to. Appropriate medication and removal of certain food items from the diet can be effective in treating this condition.

Rottweiler Care

Rottweiler Care
Rottweiler Care

Rottweilers need their lion’s share of care. They cannot be left alone in the backyard or left home alone for a long period. This will only make them aggressive and violent. A fenced courtyard space is ideal for a rottweiler. They are a large breed, and they need their space. A fenced space will allow them to have their territory and also prevent them from bullying other dogs, if any, at home.

Also, be sure to put a signboard warning people of your big buddy in the backyard. They find it amusing to threaten outsiders away.

While training a Rottweiler , be sure to teach him new and interesting things. Otherwise, he might end up giving you the “tell me why exactly should I do this” attitude.

Rottweilers are quick to pick up training. So go for it with lots of positive reinforcements and a firm hand. And your Rottie buddy will be the best thing to happen to you.


The recommended amount is 4 – 10 cups of high-quality dry food per day. The meal should be divided so that it gets food twice a day.

The amount varies from age, size build, etc. However, keep in mind not to overfeed your Rottweiler. Obesity becomes a cruel problem for this breed.

Rottweiler Coat Color And Grooming

Rottweiler Temperament And Personality
Rottweiler Temperament And Personality

Rottweilers have a double coat with a medium-sized outer coat and an undercoat on the neck and thighs.

They are always black with clearly defined tan or deep brown markings.

A rottweiler doesn’t need too much grooming. As a Rottweiler parent, you have to make grooming a positive experience for him. So remember to touch his paws occasionally. Or look into his ears or mouth from time to time.

The usual is to brush his coat regularly. It is supposed to shed twice a year. During the time of shedding, they need more brushing to keep hair shedding in control. Other than that, a bath and brushing teeth are all you need to do for this breed.

Children And Rottweilers

Children And Rottweilers
Children And Rottweilers

Rottweilers enjoy the company of children. However, like all other dogs, they tend to give the babies a nudge or a bump. This might hurt the baby. So remember to supervise them or train them on appropriate behavior with children. The best is to put a rottweiler with a family with older children who know how to interact with dogs. They are protective of them and look out for their safety at all costs.

However, it’s best not to put a rottweiler when your child is playing with other children. If gets rough between the kids, the rottweiler may step in to stop the game thinking that the child is in danger. This may lead to it chasing the other kids or growling at them.

Children, in turn, should be taught not to be afraid of dogs and interact with them playfully. This reduces confusion in the dog, and they can judge the intentions of humans.

Rescue Groups

Rottweilers are often purchased by insincere people who later realize the gravity of the commitment and choose to leave parenting midway. This is why many rescued dogs turn out to be rottweilers. However, if you see a dog in need of rescue or want to adopt a rescued rottweiler, you can check out lists put out by rescue groups. But beware! Being a rottweiler parent is a task.

Just know that if you are dedicated, you will find the best companion in a rottweiler


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