Rottweiler Training Guide – How To Properly Train A Rottweiler

Rottweiler Training Guide Is it hard for you to train your Rottweiler?

Here are some helpful advises for you if you’re planning to get a Rottweiler or if you have one and it’s hard for you to train regarding his aggression or disobeying attitude.
First of all, we will discuss the very common issues dealing with a Rottweiler. B Patience is the most important rule when you’re trying to train a Rottweiler puppies or adults. However, you have to know that training is an ongoing commitment; it requires consistency and everyday care, as Rottweiler won’t always remember what they’ve learned from just one more time.
Step 1: Earlier is better!

Training a Rottweiler from a young age is very important and it will get them to adapt easily. The best age to start training a puppy is between 6 weeks and 6 months.
It might take more time, effort and patience if your Rottweiler is older when you start training, but it’s not impossible! Rottweiler is very a smart, obedient and a very loyal friend! They always want you happy so don’t hesitate to start training

your older and untrained Rottweiler with positive reinforcement training, which is the best way to communicate with your dog.

Step 2: Be Understanding

The idea of dominance based training is often misunderstood, also the term is somehow overused. It’s mainly to set up some rules for your dog to follow, and to improve behavior with being caring and understanding.
There are some common wrong things people do to control their dogs. Bare in mind, you should avoid these things to keep your dog trained well. Firstly, you should NEVER show aggression to your dog. Also, hitting your dog will never prove your position and this will lead to worse result.

Step 3: Give them time to SOCIALIZE.

Give your Rottweiler time to socialize by taking them out for a walk at the park; take them with you to your friends’ houses and also let them visit you and play with your dog at your place. This will lead your dog to be comfortable with people and other dogs.

Socializing your dog will make them happier and more comfortable. So, try to make every experience with people or dogs to be special and happy for your dog.

Dogs have to experience things to be more confident and learn the feeling of being afraid. Dogs have a short attention span and short memory; so, your dog is aware with some of your orders, try to use some wordings to help them start being sociable.

Step 4: Positive Reinforcement

If you noticed a good behavior your dog just did and you want them to repeat it in the future, reward them just after this behavior. This will help them understand and realize what’s right and will help you a lot communicating and it will give both of you a kind of language. This act is called positive reinforcement. Dogs can’t understand what humans say, but they are smart enough to understand what makes you happy and when will he get a treat!

Furthermore, a game like training is a very effective way for your dog to obey you, as they will do what you want them to do to take the toy, treat, or any kind of gifts. So, while teaching your Rottweiler something, and they obey you, give them their reward immediately, so they can figure out the reason behind it.

Bare in mind, Rottweilers are prone to be overweight, so watch your food treats in order to keep them healthy.

Step 5: Never hit or yell!

You can never use physical discipline as a way of training. If your dog doesn’t obey your order, just ignore and walk away and try to tell them another time;

because hitting and yelling will get your dog anxious and confused. Also, it won’t give them the motivation to learn.

Step 6: Take reactions fast

Timing is very important for your dog to understand why are you punishing or rewarding them. For example, if you rewarded your dog for sitting down when he just got up, he will understand that you’re rewarding them for getting up, same goes to punishment, you can’t just punish him for urinating on your carpet when the dog is already away from it right now.

Step 7: Start with simple command.

From the beginning of the training – a puppy or an adult – they have to learn some simple orders with the positive reinforcement, which we explained above.


“Sit” is the first command your Rottweiler has to learn.

To make it easier for you to feed or groom your Rottweiler, you have to start by “sit”. To teach your dog to sit, you have to grab their attention first, using hands is also effective to make them more focused as they can ignore your voice sometimes. But also, using some short phrases is effective to train them to learn by listening.


After the dog is familiar with the “sit” command, you can start teaching them the paw one, which will make it so much easier to clip their nails. But make sure, they can’t understand this before learning “sit”


The most important thing is teaching your dog a word that means they did something wrong!

Teaching them “no” must be in a firm and lower tone. Also, remember to keep it simple for your dog, it’s very complicating telling them many words, just say “no”, “stop”, or “bad” most importantly to be just one word.

And don’t forget to teach them this word when they make something bad, to relate the word with act and understand the meaning. If they doesn’t stop after “no” take them away from the situation to figure out what is the problem.


As we said before, simplicity is the key! Keep your command so simple, just one word. This might be somehow tricky but being simple and using one word “down” with your hand in a downward motion will make it easier for them to understand.


This command requires a huge amount of patience, because it’s somehow frustrating to teach. We knew how to make them sit, so we have to try making them “stay”. It’s a lot easier if you managed teaching your Rottweiler “down”


Don’t use “come” unless your dog is aware with “stay”. However, this command will be joyful for your Rottweiler, as they really love your company!

A dog is not trained over night, nor does training ever really end. It is an ongoing process that, as a pet owner, you are responsible for. Training does not have to be boring and tedious. You can make it as fun as you like. The more fun it is for you and your Rottweiler, the easier it will be to train them. And patience is the key. So, keep up the good work, and don’t get discouraged. Training your Rottweiler will make you both very happy.

Step 8: Stay Patient!

Patience is the key!
Patience is the most important yet the hardest step for you in training Rottweiler. Try as hard as you can to stay calm and always remember that you’re doing this to

make your companion happier. Always remember that simplicity, fun and patience are very important to teach a Rottweiler.
Complicating commands, yelling, hitting and anger are will give you the worst results. Rottweilers love to play, so if you play with them, stayed calm, and used patience, you will win!

Dogs cannot be trained in one or tow days, it’s a continuous process and a responsibility. And the more fun, the more your Rottweiler will love it, and you both will be so happy with the good results!


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