Here is a challenge for you! Try not to laugh!😁
#1 When someone you don`t like tries to make a joke.
#2 Cat looks like he’s about the hottest RAP album of 2016😂
#3 The Rottweiler starterpack.
#4 This is so embarrassing!
#5 One doesn`t just simply stroke a Rottweiler and not expect it to climb on your lap.
#6 I don`t always crush my owners, but when I do…It`s because I must lick your face. It’s mandatory.
#7 When you`re ugly af.
#8 When you`re a Mess.
#9 I don`t always act like I`m starving… but when I do…It’s because I sensed food nearby and I really want some!
#10 I don`t always fart, but when I do…I clear out a room.
#11 Morning outwork!
#12 Look at her picking up my 💩… She best wash her hands before she feeds me!