What Should You Do When Your Sibling Doggies – The Male And Female Rottweiler Fights All The Time?

Do you have a female Rottweiler and a male Rottweiler sibling? If you do, you might have seen that they end up fighting among themselves at specific times. These fighting bouts between the two siblings may have a pattern. Maybe when you are petting the older female, you might find your male puppy interrupting with your patting session. Of course, no one likes someone who intervenes and that commences a fight between the siblings. Or else, your male puppy might start growling at the elder female Rottweiler and initiate the fight. Are you worried about whether one could injure the other?

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Sibling fights between Rottweilers are quite common, especially if one of them is in the teenager stage. The reason for such fights is as simple as it can get – jealousy. Much like humans, Rottweilers can get jealous too. And this jealousy can get more enflamed when one of your Rotties is going through that teenager impulsive stage. So, the question now is – what are you going to do in these cases?


female rottweiler

Well, if your female Rottweiler is getting irritated by the male puppy and the initiator of the fights is the male, then you need to take up a dominant position. Rottweilers themselves like to dominate their owners but you should show them who’s the boss. How will you do that?

When your male puppy starts to growl, you should clearly indicate your NO. You should not use violence or shout at your Rottweiler. Rather tug at their collar lightly to show them that you do not appreciate the growling. You can also command your male puppy to sit and stay for 30 seconds. While your male Rottie waits, you can pet your female Rottie and after her session of petting is over, you can call in the male Rottie. Treating your dog if they follow an order through and through is a great way to ensure that they keep their role. This way, you ensure that your Rottie is shown the right amount of dominance and they will know their boundaries.

Generally, these sibling fights happen out of fun and rarely turn very violent. However, there is always a chance that it can end in biting. So, taking a step to train your dog is essential during this point. When your male puppy becomes an adult, they will be more self-assured and won’t engage in such jealous fights.

Read: Is The Rottweiler A Good Family Dog Breed?

If you are still having trouble to bring an alliance between your male Rottweiler and female Rottweiler, then you could try taking professional help. Professional trainers can show you the drill as to how to train both your Rottweilers to stay peacefully with one another. However, you should remember that there will always be one dog dominating over the other in a household with two dogs. Who you give the degree of domination will depend on you.


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